Thursday, March 29, 2007
The worst scare of my life so far......
Well what a day let me say it has not been a good one. I get that phone call all mothers know too well it is the school calling during the middle of the day first thought well one of the kids are sick you never expect to hear what I heard today. This is the nurse calling and we believe that your daughter Ashley had a mini stroke. I almost dropped the phone. I had to call tim get him off work early rush to school rush to the ER then 5 hours later I am told by the ER doctor that after a CT scan that they think that the nurse at school over reacted and that it maybe a stigmatism in the eye and also she has a sinus infection. I am thankful that it was not a mini stroke but I am extremely P.O'd cause I have been thru hell today over this. See long story short my daughter experienced about 2 minutes of total blindness she could not see anythign she told her teacher who rushed her to the nurse as her eye sight came back her eyes were crossed and she was having double vision. Then after observing her the nurse sent her back to class where she could not even write her name on the paper then I am called and told she may have had a mini stroke. I am telling you that 30 minutes before I could get to my daughter I went thru a million emotions and thoughts I was in tears from the moment I put down the phone til the moment I walked in the school then to see her with her little eyes crossed I was so worried. And then to wait for 5 hours well running a CT scan. Then once her eyes regained their correct position they gave her an eye test and she passed it with 20 20 vision. I am like ok well how the heck does a sinus infection possible make you go blind and double vision for over 3 hours I dont know if these doctors even know what there talking about or is it the nurse at the school I have no clue. I am scheduling follow ups with her regular doctor so I will keep you up dated. But I pray that it was just some fluke thing that happened and does not happen again.
Monday, March 26, 2007
Keep your friends close and your Enemies even closer LOL
I had to get the camera out and take pictures when I came in the living room the other day and found my dog and cat lying by each other. These two are hilarious together my cat "Toni" has been declawed and is a very too herself kind of cat she only lets you pet her when she wants you to and she does not like the dog at all. Jackson on the other hand is a nut he loves to chase her and try to get her to play with him. Dont get me wrong she has her share of harrassing him. Some days she will come over pounce on him and run under our coffee table that he does not fit under and he gets so frustrated he runs in circles a million times barking at her. But on this day I think she just figured that she should keep her friends close and Jackson a little closer LOL
Here is another of them two when they got there own little couches back in december they actually liked each other then too.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Is there room for one more
Here is the sight I come to bed to the other night I Had to ask myself with these two in bed is there room for one more???
Monday, March 19, 2007
Monday, Monday
Out side on the Balcony it is still sprinkling a little bit

Another view from the balcony it is a great view of the potholes that need to be fixed LOL

Tim saying good bye to Jackson before he leaves for work all Jackson wants to do is go out on the balcony.

Another view from the balcony it is a great view of the potholes that need to be fixed LOL
Tim saying good bye to Jackson before he leaves for work all Jackson wants to do is go out on the balcony.
Well its just a blah monday here. we had freezing rain this morning and I had to go out and do the grocery shopping in it. Man I cant wait for the sunshine and 80 degree days. My friend in florida called to say she got a sunburn I told her good she deserves it for rubbing it in LOL. I want some sun and nice days so the girls can go out and play. I hope after Easter it will be nice out cause I am making their baskets and I am getting them both Sidewalk Chalk and a Kite. They had a blast last year with both of those things so I know they will like it I am also Already checking the bike tires and things so that when it is nice they can ride their bikes I know they can't wait. Well hope everyone out there has a good Monday or at least as good of a Monday as one can have.
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Well I only got 2 RSVP's in total one on the day of the party and the one before but 6 kids actually showed up I guess in ohio you need to write out Call to let us know cause RSVP sure did not work LOL. But all in all the party went over well Kids had a blast. Alyssa actually was the one who broke the pinata open but walked away as the candy fell out saying oh I needed a bag LOL so did not get much candy LOL kids you got to love them. Here are some pictures from the party.
Ignore my date had just put new batteries in camera then realized I did not set the date LOL
But now I got the date set correctly GO ME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Kids at the end after all the games and cake and pizza and presents And they were still full of energy. If only we could bottle that energy and sell it.

Kids doing the Pinata its the kind you pull the string No stick and swinging worked out much better. Tim felt safe this way LOL.
Ignore my date had just put new batteries in camera then realized I did not set the date LOL
Thursday, March 15, 2007
We got one R.S.V.P !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow I am so happy for Ashley she actually got one R.S.V.P just when I was thinking how horrible she actually got one. Maybe people around here dont know to R.S.V.P so maybe more will show up hope so for her sake. I will let ya know and hopefully have pictures well bye for now
Monday, March 12, 2007
Getting ready for the party
Well I am spending the week getting ready for Ashleys 7th birthday party. Trying to do little odd and end cleaning that we never usually think to clean such as the woodwork on my cabinets. I sure hope more people show up then last year she invited 12 and only 2 showed up how lame that was lol but this year we only invited 10 and have no RSPV's so fat not looking too good poor kid. I think it is cause I picked St Patricks day for the party maybe the parents are too busy getting drunk on green beer to bring them to the party lol. Lets hope not but hey what can I say I live in the hicks all they do is drink and work around these parts lol we are one of the only people that dont drink around here. Well soon as I can figure out how to post pics in the middle of my posts I will show you all some pics of the party hopefully it will not only be us and the 2 girls lol bye for now
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Kids back to school
Well after weeks of weather being so bad that the girls got to stay home and then dealing with Chicken pox and Pink eye I am happy to say both girls are back in school and I get a hole hour to myself between the time that tim leaves for work and the girls get home. LOL dont know what I will do with all that me time LOL but I have been play my new game Kingdom hearts yes I am way behind seeing how the game is a few years old But I am a FF lover and Who dont love disney this game is the best I have played in a while but The dark scenes are killing my eyes I already have bad eye site but playing some of these scenes I am ust bearly getting thru it Also if it were not for Game Shark I would have gave up long ago LOL got to love the full power code lol well gonna go play the game bye for now
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