Monday, March 19, 2007

Monday, Monday

Out side on the Balcony it is still sprinkling a little bit

Another view from the balcony it is a great view of the potholes that need to be fixed LOL

Tim saying good bye to Jackson before he leaves for work all Jackson wants to do is go out on the balcony.

Well its just a blah monday here. we had freezing rain this morning and I had to go out and do the grocery shopping in it. Man I cant wait for the sunshine and 80 degree days. My friend in florida called to say she got a sunburn I told her good she deserves it for rubbing it in LOL. I want some sun and nice days so the girls can go out and play. I hope after Easter it will be nice out cause I am making their baskets and I am getting them both Sidewalk Chalk and a Kite. They had a blast last year with both of those things so I know they will like it I am also Already checking the bike tires and things so that when it is nice they can ride their bikes I know they can't wait. Well hope everyone out there has a good Monday or at least as good of a Monday as one can have.

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