Sunday, April 13, 2008


Well seeing how my girls had never been to a real. I decided to look for tickets well my sister said to check out ebay they sometimes have tickets on there. So I did and I ended up winning 4 tickets for ONLY 5.50 and 5.00 shipping so for less then 11 dollars I got 4 tickets you cant beat that. So we went on Friday and we had a really good time. Our team lost but heck you cant win them all. But here are a few pictures from the game.
The score board before the game started and before the rain started LOLAlyssa Actually took this picture I think she did good for a kid taking a picture at least my head did not end up cut off LOL

Alyssa inside heritage parkAshley infront of the same stoneAlyssa and ash out side Progressive field before the game.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Fun filled weekend

Well we had a very busy fun filled weekend. This weekend We spent the night at the Courtyard Marriott they had a package where you get your room and 4 tickets to the IX INDOOR AMUSEMENT PARK for those that do not live in ohio it is an amusement park that comes for one month out of the year and they set up in the IX center. So we had a long saturday with getting up driving to Cleveland and then checking in at the hotel, Leaving there going to the IX CENTER, enjoying some rides and playing a few games, then we left went out to lunch cause the indoor prices are INSANE then we went back rode more rides. Then went back to the hotel. Chilled for like a minute it felt like LOL then off to the pool for some swimming and hot tubing ( I did not want to leave the hottub) then back to the room to dry off and change then out for some local shopping and site seeing then Late dinner can we say 10pm late LOL then back to the room and finally sleep. So like I said it was very fun filled and busy. So Here are a few pictures I took on the trip.

Well of course first picture is my barrel of monkeys!!!!

More Weekend Fun Pictures

Tim and the girls on the Tornado before the rideDuring the ride kind of blurry
Alyssa and Tim on the full tilt
Alyssa is Actually trying to wave from the top
I have no clue what to call this it was just funny