Well I only got 2 RSVP's in total one on the day of the party and the one before but 6 kids actually showed up I guess in ohio you need to write out Call to let us know cause RSVP sure did not work LOL. But all in all the party went over well Kids had a blast. Alyssa actually was the one who broke the pinata open but walked away as the candy fell out saying oh I needed a bag LOL so did not get much candy LOL kids you got to love them. Here are some pictures from the party.
Ignore my date had just put new batteries in camera then realized
I did not set the date LOL

But now I got the date set correctly GO ME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Kids at the end after all the games and cake and pizza and presents And they were still full of energy. If only we could bottle that energy and sell it.

Kids doing the Pinata its the kind you pull the string No stick and swinging worked out much better. Tim felt safe this way LOL.
I'm so happy the party turned out well!!!! yeah!!!
Well, six IS better than none right? :) I'm glad it was a good birthday.
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