Well we decided to go to Michigan for Easter last minute on Saturday morning so we get up and the weather says we are going to get snow but at that point it was only little bits so we decide to go ahead and go we pack the car and get on the road :) We made it there no problems the roads were not bad at all although there were a few times that we got a heavy flurry and it went as fast as it came and we made it there and the kids had a great Easter and they are getting to spend Spring Break with family in Michigan which is great cause they miss everyone there so so much. Here are a few pictures of our Day. I am now back home in ohio so in the past 35 hours I have driven in the car for a total of like 8 hours and got like 5 hours of sleep the rest of the time I was up and having a great time LOL. I am so gonna crash very soon and go to sleep
Ashley with her Easter Basket
Alyssa with her Easter Basket
Alyssa and Ashley
Alyssa, Ashley and Cady and Kelsea my neices
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