Well we went camping after the holiday and took my neice Sammy who is from Michigan and not to much of an out doors person. So needless to say The out house type bathroom which actually had flushable toilets was not really her cup of tea. But all in all we had a good time and I got a few pics to show you all.
Here is Sammy the first night just chilling around the camp fire
Here is Alyssa and Sammy kind of got cut off can you tell its still the first night everyone has that Im so happy look
Here are Alyssa, Ashley and Sammy at one of the very FEW times that they were not arguing and fighting and teasing and crying over somethingThis is Tims Camera Skills lol I think he was trying to show how High the Fire was. MEN who knows with them LOL
And here is my Fire Picture for some reason when I tried to take a picture of the Fire the flash did not go off this time and when I reviewed my pics I was amazed with this one it looks like a devil in the flame to me just thought it was an interesting pic to share if you think you see a devil or something too let me know LOL.
Hey girl! Did you end up coming to MI last weekend?
Hey cuz don't worry about it. We'll get together next time your up here. But I'm not sure if I want Franky to meet your dog. Jack? might hump him. lol
Love ya.
Hey Amy, Believe it or not I updated my blog! Try not to pass out from shock! LOL. Love ya.
You know, your one to talk about people udating their blogs. How long has it been since you posted anything new? LMAO! I love ya cuz, at least drop me a line tell me how your doing.
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