Wednesday, April 1, 2009

An April Fools Birthday :)

Well today April 1st was Tims bithday. Yes his birthday is on April Fools Day. So being the good girlfriend that I am I got him a birthday cake made of his favorite baseball team and I invited a few friends over and we had dinner and cake and ice cream. here are a few pics of tim and the cake before guests arrived. After everyone arrived I forgot about the camera cause we started talking and eating and playing cards so I did not get anymore pics sorry.
Here is the cute Cleveland indians birthday cake :)

Here is a picture of the cute matching paper plates and napkins and really cute indians hat candles. The candles were really cute too bad there were only 4 of them. (also the party was at tims dads house so please ignore the mess in the back ground tims dad is a packrat and does not believe in throwing anything away LOL so the clothes in basket are old clean clothes that need to be tossed but his dad thinks one day he may decide to wear them again LOL)

Here is tim notice the shades are cleveland indians shades how cute are they.And I made him take a picture with out the sunglasses on he was not too thrilled to take them off LOL

1 comment:

Stacey said...

Looks like you guys had lots of fun!