Thursday, March 19, 2009

Wow it has been a LONG TIME

I would say yes it has been a long time since my last blog. Well a lot of things have happened, thanksgiving and christmas and the new year all have came and gone and it is a new year woohoo. But for all things that change just as many stay the same. Not much different in my house. Get up everyday get the girls off to school. When they get home I make dinner or order out depending on the day LOL and then help with homework then they are off to bed at 9pm and I watch tv and then go to bed my self. nothing really exciting LOL but spring is here and that is when my life gets a little more lively we have tickets for opening weekend at the cleveland indians game so that should be fun. and I am thinking about a surprise trip before easter to michigan because on easter we will actually be at the game. so we will see how that works out. but hopefully it will work out. Ashleys birthday also passed but I still have no pictures from my sister but I will get them tomorrow then post again woohoo 2 posts in 2 days I may just be on a roll LOL. well bye until tomorrow

1 comment:

Stacey said...

I'm happy to see that you are posting again! :-)